Monday, December 3, 2007

Holiday Traditions

Have you ever wondered why we have traditions? This weekend I took over the familiy tradition of decorating the yard and house with Christmas lights. Ok, so normally we do this on Thanksgiving dat, however, I was lazy Thanksgiving and didn't want to do it. Because I believe that decorating is very important at Christmas time, I made myself get up and do it. I can say that my body didn't do it quietly. It protested the whole way. This lil' family tradition became a hassle! UGH! I am now sick and have a splitting headache because I decided to carry on the family tradition....
It didn't come easily either. I had all these grand plans and none of them worked. It's called electricity. Yes! Did you know that if you are not able to plug the lights into electricity they are not quite as pretty? Oh yeah, so now you have to figure out ways to plug them up. How about a hundred extension cords? I know that sounds crazy, but thats what traditons are made out of. Not to mention that I had to climb a ladder to try to put light in a tall tree. Only to find out that I didn't have enough and I would have to take them down.
So, I've decided to start my own tradition and just forget all the lights at Christmas.... There we go! I'll put up a tree and the stockings, but the lights on the house have to go. Now, I'm done venting about stupid traditions. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

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