Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life as a traveling, working mother..

Just alittle update on the girls and I. Many ask me how my drive to work everyday is going. My answer to them is that I love it. I have an hour and a half to sing, cry, laugh, think, talk on the phone and just get lost in the beauty of the creations, all by myself. No one screaming at me wanting to talk on the phone. No one crying in the background. No one asking me what's wrong. Just me! Oh and the many state troopers on the side of the road.

Yesteday, I got a ticket for speeding. Surprise! I was coming down a hill in Blount Springs when I saw the trooper car. Looked down and was going over 80, lets just say. I automatically pulled over and waited a good minute on the man... You know I respect cops and troopers because they keep my family and others safe, but I often wonder if some of them are just flat out stupid. I mean some of the questions he asked were "duh" questions. Like "do you know why I pulled you over?" "DUH, speeding!" Not only that but it takes 30 mins to write up a ticket. Come on! Put my name on a piece of paper and lets go!

So, on to the updates on the girls. They are doing great. Very cute, but mean. The cute comes from me, the mean would be there daddy! LOL! Ok so yes they are clones of me

McKinley- I will register here for Pre-K next month. I cant believe that she will be four this summer! She's about to be in school. Wow! Time flies, but I'm excited. This is what I've been waiting for. All the new adventures! Miss the quietness of babies, but love the independent part of kids!

Amberly- She will be 3 this year and it seems as though yesterday she weighed 4 lbs and in the NICU. Kayla and I were talking the other day and the time has flown by so fast that I can't remember her being little and at home. I remember the hospital, bringing her home, and that Christmas, but that's it. Time really does fly!

We are all great! Happy, staying busy and enjoying life. We truly can't be blessed more than we are now, however, I feel God has more instore for us! Can't wait!

1 comment:

kira said...

bonita, i was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you & the girls were doing, ive tracked you down on here i suppose haha, thru justin & marshalls pages, anyway i was trying to find an email address for you but didnt see one, please let me know how things are going with yall, email me anytime I LOVE YOU! cant believe how big & gorgeous(naturally from their mommy) are getting