Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Ok so I realize that most of you reading the last post have no clue as to what I am talking about, so he I am to clarify somethings.

My ex husband and I seperated in Nov. of 2006. I filed divorce papers. I was completely done with the marriage. I started dating a man who I had known for awhile prior. I know what many of you are thinking....... I was still married, right? Yes I was but only on paper I felt. This whole relationship was suppose to be casual fun, however, it took a different route. It lasted a year.

To make the story better: We work together, so there is your understanding of how difficult it is to see him move on. The break up has been alittle tough and rough around the edges, but we are getting there.

Note: It was a wonderful 1/2 relationship.... Not a full relationship bc of a few things.... Distance, work (shh... secret!), family, oh and the age thing..... I know what you are thinking. How can that be a wonderful relationship? Well, it was just nice to be wanted by someone, ok? Well we finally ended it in September, however, that hasn't worked well either. Now it is finally over, because there is no point anymore! I'm not bitter, nor hurt. Let's get that straight. I'm fine other than being lonely. As you can read in the last post, he has moved on and I haven't. Why? I don't have a clue. My emotional side says I "need" someone, but logic tells me otherwise.......

There's the scoop! Now you know.....

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