Tuesday, January 1, 2008


How do you know when people care? I'd like to think that when someone cares about you, they choose a constant in your life. Either they choose to be in your life on a CONSTANT basis or they choose the constant of never being there. I know you are asking yourself about that last constant of never being there.... Listen to what I have to say: The constant of being gone, here is when someone cares to the extent of knowing they are not a good constant IN your life. So they choose to leave and never come back.Then you are blessed with the ones who care so much they choose to be a constant in your life. Those are the ones who are there when you need them and never dissappear.
When someone chooses to leave and never return, it may hurt for the ones involve. However, it ends to be the better of the two choices. Wouldn't you think? You have to give credit where credit is due to those people. That has to be a hard choice to make, but because they care so much they do it anyways. That is unselfishness!
Now, what happens to those people who have picked the constant magic trick of being here one minute only to be gone the next. Yet again, you turn around and they are there only to be gone again.... Can it be that these people care about you? I'm really not sure. For my optimistic side, I would love to say that they do, however, it seems as though they are selfish and only care about themselves. They only pretend to "care" when they want or need something from you. So what do you do with them? Do you pick the constant of letting them in time after time? I don't believe so. I believe you have to ask yourself one question with these kinds of constants: How hurt am I when they come and go? Yes, this is a selfish act, but trust me! At some point in time you have to use your head and save yourself from the hurt and mental discouragment. You have to inorder to be a constant for someone else. If their coming and going doesn't bother you, then I believe that you have to choose to be a constant in their life and show them that YOU do care. If it seems to hurt you more, then you need to make a constant decision to love them, but with distance. It's ok to love them and be there for them, but at some point you have to choose a constant for them to be in your life. Pray for them. Love them. Help them. However, do it with clear mind and be focused. Don't give them what they WANT, but what they NEED. Say for instance, that you have a friend that supposely cares, but only comes around when they need money. Don't give them the money. You are not helping them at all. Instead, offer to carry them to dinner or small things like that. At that point, they choose their constant. Either they see love, or they get mad. If you have someone in your life who uses you, you must choose to carry on with your life without them. It's sad to say, but there are people out there who DO NOT care. Those people, you just have to choose the distant LOVE.
For your mental and spiritual health, love those with a distance.

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